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SABU brochure.pdf
The members of SABU created a brochure used by University admissions as recruitment material. The pamphlet exhibits fictive kinships within the text, highlighting the community within the members of SABU and a general closeness. Before the academic…

The Minority Students Association (MSA) sits for a Calyx yearbook photo in 1988.

Dean Anece McCloud is hired shortly after John White, previous director of minority affairs, is fired by President Emeritus John Wilson. Her efforts include expanding the title to "director of students for minority affairs" and meeting with the…

The members of MSA pose for a Calyx group photo. Also featured in the photo to the far left are the groups advisors, Courtney Penn and Anece McCloud.

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SABU members pose for the Calyx.

SABU hosts Black Emphasis Month with black women in the eighties as their central theme. Unique in the predominantly white and all-male institution, SABU works to bring perspective and celebrate the accomplishments of black women by inviting black…

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A celebration black life, achievement and history began in 1926 when Dr. Carter Woodson declared that the second week in February would be known as Black History Week. SABU continues on this tradition by planning a week long of activities that will…

The Student Association for Black Unity hosts one of its most successful Black Ball's. With a gathering of students and community members, combined with the assistance and security for the event, the success is evident in the numbers drawn to the…

Leaders from the executive board of SABU work to increase social life of black students and awareness around black student life at Washington and Lee.

SABU poses for the 1983 Calyx Yearbook Photo.
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